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How to Clock Out Using Your Client’s Telephone When There is No Plan of Care for Your Client in the System

If you are trying to clock out from a visit, but no Plan of Care is in the system for your client, you must follow these steps to successfully clock out.

Please refer to the paper version of the Plan of Care that is in your client’s home when clocking out.

  1. Dial HHAeXchange:
    –English: 844-986-4987
    –Spanish: 844-986-5015
    –Mandarin: 844-968-4267
    –Russian: 844-728-0413
  2. HHAeXchange will say “Press 1 for Call in, Press 2 for Call out.”
    –Press 2
  3. HHAeXchange will say “Enter your assignment ID.”
    –Enter your 6-digit employee ID number
  4. Verify your employee ID number is correct.
    –Press 1
  5. Since no Plan of Care is in the system, you will need to enter each duty ID and press # after entering each. You can find the duty ID numbers to enter on the paper version of the Plan of Care that is in your client’s home.
  6. Confirm whether you have performed each of the patient’s plan of care duties:
    –Press 1 if you performed the task
    –Press 0 if you did not perform the task
    –Press* (star) if patient refused task and enter the reason why the patient refused by using the reason codes below:

    01 – Service performed by patient
    02 – Service performed by family
    03 – Patient does not want service today
    04 – Service not scheduled for today
  7. Once you have finished entering in all duty IDs, press 000 (zero 3 times) to indicate you are done. WAIT! Don’t hang up.
  8. HHAeXchange will say “Call registered. Goodbye.” Hang up.
  9. After you have clocked out of the visit, it is important to contact your supervisor to let them know that no Plan of Care is loaded for your client.

Remember: It is best to avoid using task code sheets, if possible, as this can delay the timely payment of your paycheck.