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What Do You Love Most About Your VNS Health Supervisor? Take a Minute to Tell Us for a Chance to Win $200!

Supervisors work hard to make sure that their clients are cared for each day and make sure that the Home Health Aides caring for the clients feel valued, as well.

So, for February’s “Question of the Month,” we want to know…

“What do you love most about your VNS Health supervisor?”

It’s now even easier to enter the “Question of the Month” raffles. To participate for a chance to win $200, just click on the link below and choose from the list of potential short answer options OR you can write your own short answer. It will only take a minute!

To answer our question, click here.

Answers you can select from include:

  • I can call my supervisor anytime
  • My supervisor takes the time to listen to me
  • My supervisor works hard to make sure that I have clients
  • My supervisor always makes sure to reward me for doing a good job
  • My supervisor is very supportive and understanding
  • OR Write in your own answer!

Please submit your response to our February question no later than Friday, February 28th.

Remember, if you submit a response, you’ll automatically be entered into our “Question of the Month” raffle. We’ll then pick three winners at random. Each winner will receive $200 (20,000 points) through VNS Health Rewards!